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    Create Trails and Walks with TICL App

      #TreeTrail The Tree Council has teamed up with TiCL Media to help people to enjoy trees and share their experiences as they are out walking. Your group can now… Read More

    Park Tech : How to programme NFC Tags

      Programming an NFC tag is a very simple process, however it’s worth noting that whilst newer iPhones can read tags, many cannot write tags, so you should use an… Read More

    Park Tech: How to add an Historic Timeline to your WordPress website

      You will need: 1.  A website built using WordPress  2. Access to add plugins to the website   3. A gmail address so you can create a google spreadsheet   4. Some… Read More

    Park Tech: How to use google maps to create Online Map Layers for your park or open space

      You will need:   1. A gmail account. With every gmail account you can create and share maps. Many groups already have gmail accounts to help them run their organisation… Read More