• BOSF Social Networking Evening at Edgbaston Reservoir

    You are invited to our BOSF Social on Tuesday 2nd July at Edgbaston Reservoir from 6.00pm to 8.00pm.

    There will be an evening walk around the Reservoir with the Friends of Edgbaston Reservoir, with tea, coffee & cake at the Lodge, at the entrance to the car park, Reservoir Road, Birmingham B16 9EE.

    Come along for the lovely evening walk, a chance to network with other groups and find out more about the Public Consultation taking place about the Reservoir and surrounding area for redevelopment.

    We look forward to seeing you there

    BOSF Team

    Edgbaston Reservoir Consultation
    A draft masterplan has been prepared, and is now subject to a public consultation. In summary the draft masterplan includes:
    •             A Vision to set out the Council’s aspiration for Edgbaston Reservoir, including a number of Big Moves that identify the key themes that would optimise the reservoir;
    •             Development Principles to provide planning guidance and advice to developers on matters covering Connectivity, Activity and Design;
    •             Delivery requirements to support a comprehensive, partnership-based approach.
    •             Click here to view the draft masterplan, and submit your comments via the online survey.

    •             You can also submit comments to planningandregenerationenquiri[email protected], or Planning and Development, Birmingham City Council, 1 Lancaster Circus, Birmingham, B4 7DJ.

    Event Location

    The Lodge, Reservoir Road, Birmingham, B16 9EE

    Event Organiser

    This event is organised by BOSF

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