• Short Health Fields Trust (Short Heath Fields & Bleak Hill Park)

    The Friends of Short Heath Playing Fields & Bleak Hill Park are made up of a team of regulars and part-time volunteers that are committed to looking after and saving their local green space. The group want to carry on bringing the word “together” back into their community, turning Short Heath Playing Fields back into a sports field for all, and Bleak Hill Park into a lasting nature reserve to be proud of and as a source of education and inspiration for current and future generations. 

    The group are currently working with local schools and the council to turn part of Bleak Hill Park into a covid Memorial Woodland and nature reserve. They host an annual Halloween fancy dress competition and pumpkin hunt.  “

    The Short Heath Wombles” are an over 50’s sub-group that litter pick the site for exercise and companionship, which we are looking to grow. The group have just secured funding for this and also a junior Womble team (5 to 50 yrs.)


    Covid Memorial Woodland

    During the start of March 2022, the Friends of Short Heath Playing Fields & Bleak Hill Park made a great start with their Covid Memorial Woodland within the park and began planting the  first of 420 trees donated to the group by the Woodland Trust.  This is the first step in creating a special place to give families a place to grieve for their loved ones that sadly passed away. Volunteers are continuing planting continuing and work on the memorial’s central flower beds. The group have also ordered new benches, bins, dog mess bins, fruit trees, blossom trees and more all part of this wonderful Covid Memorial Woodland.

    If you would like to get in contact with the group about volunteering with them or for other information,  please contact:


    Short Heath Fields Trust’s website



    Follow Short Health Fields Trust (Short Heath Fields & Bleak Hill Park) on Social Media
