Adderley Park (Adderley School Friends of)
Adderley School Friends of Adderley Park was set up in 2020. Adderley Primary School views
Adderley Park as an extension of the school. Parks are a crucial part of any community. Adderley
Park has a significant impact on the development of children and the happiness of everyone in the
community before, during and after school time.
Adderley Primary School use the park every week and care very much about the condition and
upkeep. As part of our staff wellbeing we lead morning wellbeing walks where staff stroll the half
mile track around the park. This is a perfect opportunity for staff to come together to talk. This
aiding the mental wellbeing of staff. This wellbeing walk also acts as a risk assessment of the local
area to make the park safer for our families and community.
Following the staff wellbeing walk, we have a daily Breakfast Mile for our children. This runs
alongside our breakfast club provision. It’s really important that children spend more time outdoors
together being physically active and improving their health and wellbeing. Aside to staff and
children, the school encourages parents to use the park for their daily exercise with many parents
using the park once they drop their children to school. This embedding the lifelong physical activity
message we share with our children.
The Adderley curriculum is broad and balanced and has been enhanced by utilising the great asset
Adderley Park. Projects such as seasonal walks, teddy bear picnics and weather activities support a
cross curricular approach to learning. Our children also lead on community projects in PSHEC such as
litter picking and petitions for speed limits. This bringing a personal understanding and wider context
to learning. As a school we work in partnership with Birmingham Trees. Yearly we plant trees
addressing climate control. As a school we work towards the global goals with a heavy emphasis on
One of the many highlights of our school calendar each year is our very competitive Summer
Olympics which is held during the Summer term at Adderley Park. This is a showcase of Adderley’s
sporting talent with the whole school taking part. Including staff and parents! The children create
banners full of colour and chants which echo the large park. Bringing the park to life with parents
and the local community.
We are in the early planning stage to regenerate Adderley Park with an outdoor gym space and
improving the walkways and overall enhance the park.
Contact: [email protected]
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