• Manor Farm Park – Waterside Care

    Sunday 2nd of February: Waterside Care at Manor Farm Park

    There will be the usual check of what needs clearing from the Brook, streams and weir; litter to be cleared from the swales and the hedges.  Please come along and help the Friends of Manor Farm Park to tidy up following the very wet last couple of months.

    Wear clothing and shoes suitable for wet weather and slippery conditions—long sleeves and trousers are recommended in case of stinging nettles! Under 16’s are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. 

    The group will meet as usual by the Manor Drive Noticeboard at 10.30 a.m.

    Please note that because of ongoing work around the lake area this coming year our meeting points may have to alter so please check the monthly notices for updates rather than relying on the annual one, or habit!


    More information about the Friends of Manor Farm Park and their activities is available from:

    [email protected]




    Manor Farm Park, 389 Bristol Road South, B31 2AB

    Event Location

    Manor Farm Park, 389 Bristol Road South, B31 2AB.

    Event Organiser

    This event is organised by Friends of Manor Farm Park

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