Can you help with a Daily Mirror article on closures of kids play areas?

Daily Mirror Appeal to Friends Groups:
“Dear Friends Groups
I’m working on an article for next week about the loss of playgrounds and play parks across the country and how children have been left worse off, and in some cases, with no access to outdoor space. There’s three broad things I’m looking for to flesh out the story.
– I’m looking to find examples of where playgrounds have closed in recent months / this year and the impact that has had on communities.
– Also it would be great to see if there are any campaigners / families / areas that are fighting against a park or play area closure at the moment who might be interested in speaking to me about this.
– If there are any parents with kids who have no where to let their kids play outside due to closures who would be interested in speaking to me.
Thank you, Amy Coles
Amy Coles
Daily Mirror”
Please contact Amy directly to contribute to this article. The loss of any green space, designed playground or natural playground, has substantial impact on both children and their communities. I’m sure many of you feel the same.
Posted on 16th August 2019
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