Wild Holiday Bunch Events: July & August

This summer, in partnership with The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country, Ecobirmingham are bringing all 7-11 years old nature explorers, ten full Wild Holiday Bunch days spent outdoors in a wild and stunning new location. Deer’s Leap Woods in North Edgbaston is managed by the B&BC Wildlife Trust and contains a wonderful mix of informal woodland, ponds and meadow areas. Read more about the site here: https://www.bbcwildlife.org.uk/deers-leap-wood
At Wild Holiday Bunch, each day is packed with plenty of sensory activities, exciting games to learn about our wildlife and our environment, fun gardening projects & creative natural crafts not to forget the daily snacks cooked on the camp fire.
Find out more about the Wild Holiday Bunch with dates, times, costs ( Ecobirmingham have got fully funded places each day, call to check eligibility) and how to book on visit: www.greengenerations.co.uk/wild-bunch
Posted on 7th July 2019
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