Sunday 19th May at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens

For our 2019 conference we hosted at the wonderful Botanical Gardens in Edgbaston. The conference which was well attended with over 50 delegates from our BOSF Member groups and our partners.

It was a day packed with networking, information and great interactive workshops.
The Programme for the day was as follows:
10.00 Registration and Refreshments
10.30 Intro and Welcome by the Conference Chair
10.35 Councillor Sharon Thompson – Cabinet Member for Homes & Neighbourhoods
10.45 BOSF Update – Sarah Royal BOSF
11.00 ‘Just a minute’ speakers corner session – sixty second presentations of the different activities from groups
11.10 The Big Green Conversation – Greener Birmingham
12.10 ‘Just a minute’ speakers corner session – sixty second presentations of the different activities from BOSF Friends Groups
12.20 Networking Lunch
13.20 Activity Workshops:
– Green Woodworking – Lee Southall BCC Park Manager
– Pond Dipping – Lee Copplestone Waterside Care KBT
– How to Create a Map for your Park – Emma Woolf Cotteridge Park & Mat Barber BOSF
– Update Discussion on Parks – Joe Hayden & Sue Amey BCC Parks
– Solitary Bees & Wasps in Urban Environments – Aaron Bhambra RSPB
14.15 Activity Workshops change over:
(Workshop list as above)
15.00 Networking Tea
The information from the “How to Create a Map for your Park” workshop has uploaded as a step by step tutorial on our website, follow this link: How to use google maps to create Online Map Layers for your park or open space

It was a fantastic day, click this link to view the conference feedback from attendees.
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