Moseley Litterbusters
Moseley Litterbusters is a group of volunteers dedicated to: Keeping Moseley Clean, involving local citizens and working in partnership with Birmingham City Council, businesses, schools and other community organisations. They meet every Sunday morning on Moseley village green, St Mary’s Row as well as other locations around Moseley and Balsall Heath. Everybody is welcome. Litter grabbers, gloves and bags are provided. They also support volunteers who wish to litter pick on their own or in smaller groups. They can also help you organise and publicise your own litter picks in the Moseley area.
If you want to ‘adopt a street’ or want more information please email [email protected] or use the QR code below:
The group also takes direct action to eradicate graffiti and volunteers are also encouraged to report graffiti to the Council as well as reporting fly-tipping.
History: The group was born out of the realisation that Moseley Village was not receiving any street cleaning from the Council at weekends and frustration that the village was looking very untidy for the major part of the weekend given that there was so much litter around after the Friday/Saturday night clubs and pubs activities. Starting in Moseley village the group has expanded into all areas of Moseley and parts of Balsall Heath.
Contact: [email protected]
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