• Wassail Training for Community Orchard Volunteers in Malvern

    How to run a Wassail and other Apple events 3rd December
    This one day course covers everything you need to know to run a successful event, focusing on Wassails, but covering other Apple and orchard events too. Topics covered will include:

    • Setting objectives for your event
    • Organising your event
    • Specifics relating to Wassails
    • Outlines for other events
    • Recruiting and managing volunteers
    • All aspects of promoting your event
    • Health and Safety aspects including Risk Assessments
    • Legal issues including insurance, drinks licensing, food regulations etc
    • Fundraising and charging policies
    • Involving others
    • Evaluating your event

    Saturday 3rd December 10am-4pm in the Orchard Room at Colwall Village Garden, Malvern.
    Tea, coffee and refreshments provided, but please bring your own packed lunch. The events are free, but places are limited so booking is essential. Ring Tim or Helen on 540569 or email [email protected].
    This events is being organised as part of the Three Counties Traditional Orchard project. Click here to find out more.

    Posted on 28th November 2016