• Set up a Friends Group & Model Constitutions

    Setting up a group means you can spread the load. Whether your space needs saving from developers or cleaning up doing it by yourself is hard work. If you can get friends and neighbours involved, or the local school or the dog walkers and football players you get lots of points of view and more willing volunteers. A formally set up group  will also find it easier to raise money.
    Setting up a group also makes it easier for you to have a positive working relationship with the owner of the land. In most cases in Birmingham the owner of public open space is Birmingham City Council. The Parks Service is always keen to work with groups of volunteers.
    For help and advise on setting up a new group, please contact us and we can start you moving forward. Please see our useful documents for Setting up a Group and Organising a Group:

    Getting a group started

    Friends Group – Model Constitution

    Friends Group – Basic Model Constitution (suitable for new Friends Groups & Litter Picking Groups)