In this section of the BOSF toolkit you can find examples of Safety Guides, Event Manuals (for large events) and the Birmingham City Council’s guide to organising outdoor events. These documents are full of important information to provide learning and examples of good practice, to help your Friends Group when planning to host an event in a park / open space.
CoCoMAD 2019 Event Manual (Cotteridge Community Festival of Music, Art & Dance)
CoCoMAD 2019 – Stewards Briefing Pack
Birmingham City Council – Outdoor Events Organisers Guide
Booking an event in your park / open space:
To apply for permission to use Birmingham’s parks or open spaces, please complete the form on the Birmingham City Council website. It can take up to 12 weeks for an application to be processed by all parties involved, so please make sure that you apply in plenty of time. Click here for more information.
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