• Sport England Community Asset Fund

    Our Community Asset Fund is a programme dedicated to enhancing the spaces in your local community that give people the opportunity to be active.
    There are a number of things we want to achieve with this funding, but most importantly we want to help local organisations to create quality and financially sustainable facilities that benefit their community for years to come – which may mean providing help to get things up and running too.

    • Improve and protect existing sports facilities that support the needs of local communities
    • Invest in new and different places that meet the needs of local communities, which include our target audiences
    • Ensure our capital investment reaches organisations who have not accessed our funding before
    • Create a more resilient, sustainable, less grant dependent sport sector

    Bids of £1,000 to £150,000 are welcome and more information is available
    Click here for more information.

    Posted on 24th April 2017