• Sport England Announces Significant Investment in Parkrun


    Increasing female participation and encouraging more people from low socioeconomic communities to take part in free, weekly, social activity will be the focus of a new collaboration between Sport England and Parkrun.

    Funding from Sport England over three years will support the creation of 200 new Parkrun events in England, building on the successes of Parkrun’s phenomenal growth over the past 14 years. The project will specifically target new events in communities that have the most to benefit from free, weekly, social activity in open spaces.

    The investment will be focused on the key areas of increasing the number of women and girls who take part and increasing participation from lower socioeconomic groups. It will also enable the modernisation of Parkrun’s digital platform for registration, results and event information in order to allow it to grow indefinitely.

    Posted on 22nd January 2019