• Families in Nature, Connecting and Helping (FINCH)

    The Families Into Nature, Connecting and Helping (FINCH) project involved a series of events and activities in 2022 that have resulted in the production of a prototype resource for community organisations.

    The content of the resource has been guided by the findings of consultations with families, plus insight from groups about their thoughts on offering nature-based activities for families in local greenspaces.  Project officers connected with several community organisations around Birmingham, including Friends of Groups, to run activities from the resource, often as part of existing family-friendly events.  Activities were enjoyed by the participating families and group members could see that they were a good way of starting conversations about the park, what people liked about it, what they cared about, and why it was important to their family. They found much in common – in that they all cared about the greenspace and spent time there.

    The activities include different categories such as Finding Nature, Helping Nature and Arts and Crafts, so groups can choose something that suits their own skills and interests and will also appeal to local families.  They also vary in delivery style, meaning that there’s something suitable for groups with more experience as well as those lacking in time or confidence. Asfal from Friends of George’s Park said the activity instructions had: “good ideas, were short and concise and easy to follow”.

    Activities range from self-led – which could be as simple as providing families with a printed sheet to use as they explore the greenspace independently – to activities to be led as group, including guidance for how to design and run your own family wildlife walk or nature trail.

    Please read and try out the resource, then provide us with feedback so we can improve it further.

    For more information or to provide additional feedback, please email [email protected]