• Park Community Groups Needed for the Big Hoot

    Forest Schools Birmingham are working in partnership with Birmingham Children’s Hospital and The Big Hoot project.
    The Big Hoot is a large scale art project taking place across the city next summer in order to raise awareness and money for Birmingham Children’s’ Hospital. The concept is that 120 Large Eagle Owl sculptures are designed, decorated and installed in the green spaces around the city. At the end of the installation, they will be auctioned off to raise money. Similar projects have taken place in other cities over the last few years to tremendous recognition by the press.
    This is a fabulous opportunity to raise the profile of the public spaces around Birmingham.
    Forest Schools Birmingham have been approached by the organising body to work with 10 community groups to:

    • design an owl
    • work together to create each owl over a period of days
    • organise a launch day involving fun health related activities

    Forest Schools Birmingham need community groups to contact them as soon as possible at [email protected] or by phone on 08456 340556.
    Forest Schools Birmingham will then work with each group individually to write a bid on their behalf  in order to pay for the cost of the owl, the events and the artist.
    You will find more info here www.thebighoot.co.uk

    Posted on 5th December 2014