• New Activities with the Friends of Bournville Park

    Walking Group on Tuesday 28th February
    Come and join the Friends of Bournville Park for their first Guided Walk on Tuesday February 28th at 10.00am.  Meet at the playground area and join them for a coffee afterwards on the Green. This will be a chance to form new friendships and to work out how to cater for differing levels of fitness. Please join in whether you are an experienced walker or new to exercise.
    Wild Flower Planting – led by Bug Life on Sunday 5th March
    Come and join the Friends of Bournville Park for wild flower plug planting kindly donated by Buglife from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
    Nick Packham, Buglife’s Urban Buzz Officer, will lead the planting session and is keen work with the group to improve the habitats for insects in the park!
    For the kids, Dean Paul, from Birmingham City Council’s Ranger Service, will be leading a bug-hunting and water-dipping/testing session in the Bourn. We all know that the stream makes Bournville Park special: this is a chance for kids and parents to learn more about the Bourn, the quality of the water that flows through it, and the species for which it provides a home.
    There will be tea, coffee and cake at the end of the session in the Bournville Hub on Bournville Green. (The Hub asks for a small donation for the refreshments; 50p for hot drinks, £1 for cake).
    What to wear & info for parents and guardians
    All tools needed for the planting session will be provided. Please wear warm clothes, gardening gloves and shoes suitable for gardening/outdoor work. All welcome but please note children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

    Posted on 21st February 2017