• Near Neighbours Programme (England)

    The Department for Communities & Local Government has announced that it is planning to re-open its Near Neighbours small grants programme in June 2014. Launched in 2011 in partnership with the Church Urban Fund, Near Neighbours provides small grants of up to £5,000 to grassroots groups and multi-faith communities.
    Funding will be available to communities with significant religious diversity to help them run projects which will bring about lasting benefits to their neighbourhoods. Charities, religious organisations, Community Interest Companies, social enterprises and groups of individuals focusing on community benefit will be eligible to apply. Preference is given to applications from small faith or community organisations with a turnover of less than £150,000.
    Some successful Near Neighbours projects to have benefited from the small grants include;

    • a youth football team in East London – using sport to provide mentoring and development opportunities;
    • a youth music programme in Oldham which has brought people together from different backgrounds;
    • and a community garden in Leicester created by local residents and school children and enjoyed by the whole community.

    The work of the Near Neighbours programme is focused in specific areas of England. For more information on the scheme and to find your local hub please click here

    Posted on 2nd June 2014