• Mobilising Communities Small Grants Fund 2016 to 2017 South Birmingham

    The purpose of the Mobilising Communities Small Grants Fund is to assist communities to take local action which can address issues of crime and community safety. The ethos behind ‘mobilising communities’ is to particularly encourage applications from groups that give priority to:

    •  Trial, test and try new activities or projects
    •  Work within, and for localities
    • Encourage working in partnership with other local groups
    • Leave a legacy, which could be a new way of working or a new partnership between individual groups

    As part of this approach there are a few outcomes the Small Grants Fund is aimed at supporting:

    • Agencies, organisations and groups have a better idea and understanding of what works in communities, particularly in addressing local crime and community safety issues;
    • Community based activity is more joined up and connected to the agencies and organisations responsible for responding to crime and community safety issues;
    • Community organisations and groups are collaborating to help respond to and solve local community problems and issues

    Applications for funding will only be considered from voluntary and community groups which have a bank account in the group’s name. Applications between £500 and a maximum of £5000 are invited. Organisations can apply up to twice within a 12 month period. Joint and partnership-working between applying organisations is encouraged.
    All applications should meet one of the priorities identified by the Birmingham Community Safety Partnership (BCSP)
    Contact [email protected]
    All applications will be assessed by the Birmingham South Involving Communities Group. Completed applications should be returned to South Birmingham CSP at [email protected]

    Posted on 23rd August 2016