Stechford Green Spaces (Friends of)
By working in partnership with their strategic partners (such as Birmingham City Council), their aim is to build on the existing strengths of each selected location, identifying opportunities for improvement, and finding solutions to local issues and problems.
“With the right level of investment, our aim is to make these green spaces safer, cleaner and easier to use. This in turn will have the positive effect of supporting the growth of local shops and businesses, help people to live healthier lives and support local community activities and community cohesion. All neighbourhoods should have a home green space to take care of. Our green spaces in Stechford have been an incredible source of support for residents (particularly through the painful Covid -19 lockdown/s of 2020/21).
Incorporating gardening, litter picks & tending stuff together, has the proven ability restart the journey of recovery (mental health, well-being & gardening go hand in hand). Mixed communities need opportunities to value each other and common themes such as food and nature – they work (Our annual BIG LUNCH & ongoing Monthly STECHFORD LITTER PICK has proven that for us).
The common theme for all our residents, which we know brings people together is the GREAT OUTDOORS, especially for families and isolated people. Our locals want to step outside their front door and to be uplifted by what they see – clean streets, green spaces that are safe and clean. They want to feel that they can go to their nearby green spaces and take in what nature has to offer, without LITTER marring their journey and their destination.
As part of our regular green space tidy ups, we meet on the last Saturday of every month (10 to 12pm – Leisure Centre Reception Area). These tidy ups have been productive; planters and flowers in and around our adopted green spaces have been welcomed and admired; all imparting positive outlook which in turn positive reviews via social media and in person. The floral designs & addition of new park benches, bins will improve the raise the profile of the Manor Road Recreation Ground.
Green Spaces & The Environment – A Bridge to Bringing Communities Together
Our planet earth is made up of unique continents (Africa, Asia, the America’s, Australasia, & Europe). The Stechford / Yardley constituency contains a sprinkling of all of the peoples of these diverse continents. In short, the community of Stechford can be best described as ‘super diverse’!
Our vision, mission & ambition (now and beyond) is to ensure the Friends of Stechford Green Spaces is seen as the ‘go to organisation’ supporting the sustainability of Stechfords Green Spaces. Our core aim is to remain inclusive, trusted & non-partisan, knowledgeable about need, critically understand who is involved in what & are uniquely best placed to bring people, resources & assets together so to further enhance / upscale & turbocharge our future green space projects for all of our residents.
For more details on how to get involved or to support our community work/activities, please email us on: [email protected]
Please also check out our activities by subscribing to our Instagram / Facebook Accounts. ” – The Friends of Stechford Green Spaces.
The Friends of Stechford Green Spaces key objectives are to:
● To promote, protect & enhance the Stechford Recreation
Ground & the Manor Recreation Ground as a resource to be
enjoyed by the local community.
● To be open to everyone with an interest in Stechford
Recreation Ground & the Manor Recreation Ground, (bringing
together the whole community to be a voice for these sites).
● To promote the conservation, protection, education &
improvement of the physical, natural & social environment of
the local area, in particular (the Stechford Recreation Ground
& the Manor Road Recreation Ground).
● To conserve the historic landscape
● To attract more users to the site.
● To encourage whole family participation.
● To safeguard its natural beauty, biodiversity & its historic
● To promote art, sport & craft for the benefit of (the Stechford
Recreation ground & Manor Road Recreation Ground), the
local residents & the site users.
● To pursue the improvement of facilities at (the Stechford
Recreation ground & Manor Road Recreation Ground) for the
benefit of Birmingham Residents, recreational users &
● To encourage cleanliness, care & safety of (the Stechford
Recreation ground & Manor Road Recreation Ground).
● To create a family friendly environment.
● To be a non-political group (no political affiliation).
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