Windermere Fields (Friends of)
The Friends of Windermere Fields was formed originally in 2017 to counteract the threat of development on the field. Once that threat was successfully averted , the committee has remained active in promoting activities on the field , for example – archaeology walks with Mike Hodder and a nature walk with Tony Sames. Working with the Park Ranger , Jan Tomlinson , we have developed our Management Plan for the field which includes the establishment of a community orchard and a wild flower area. The committee remains dedicated to the conservation of wildlife on the field while looking to promote its use by different groups pursuing a range of
activities. We are encouraging users of the field to take photos there to post on our Facebook page. The aim is to choose the best 12 to turn into a calendar entitled A Year on Windermere Field. We hope that some of our younger users would like to participate in this activity. To this end we have established contact with both Moseley School and St Bernard’s Primary school and hope to
develop this contact further.
We would like to increase diversity on the committee by including members from differing age groups and ethnicities to reflect more accurately those that use the field so that we can develop activities of interest to them.
The Friends of Windermere Fields can be contacted via their Facebook group, Whatsapp or email: [email protected]
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