Moseley Bog and Joy’s Wood (Friends of)
Saved from development following a huge public campaign, Moseley Bog & Joys Wood became a nature reserve and supports a tremendous range of plants, animals and insects. Especially fascinating are the gnarled old trees, the fantastic displays of bluebells each spring, and the wildflower meadows in early summer.
Moseley Bog was the childhood playground of The Lord of the Rings author JRR Tolkien, who lived nearby. He stated that the site inspired the ‘old forest’ in his books. People come from all over the world to discover his inspiration for themselves.
The Friends of Moseley Bog and Joy’s Wood Nature Reserve has built on the success of previous groups and years of volunteering and campaigning. It was community action that saved the reserve from the developers, and was one of the catalysts for the formation of the Urban Wildlife Group, which became The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country. The Friends are now one of the Trust’s local groups.
B13 9JX
Contact: [email protected]
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