BOSF Stop Litter in Parks – Poster Competition!
“There has been over a seven-fold increase in litter in parks between this year and last.” – Birmingham City Council

We are encouraging young people to help set a good example and to design eye-catching and inspiring posters to send out a clear message: Don’t litter – if the bins in the park are full, please take it home!
Are you fed up with seeing our beautiful parks and green spaces being disrespected by thoughtless litterers? So are we!
It’s time to get creative and help to inspire with art, to stop litter in parks!
The top poster designs will be printed and displayed across a selection of Birmingham’s parks notice boards and shared online across BOSF and partners social media channels!
Parks are vital to the health and well-being of so many people across our city! Through this activity we are aiming to promote a positive message and encourage people use parks responsibly and help to look after the environment.
How to get involved?
We are open to seeing a range of designs, the more eye catching the better! Designs should be bold and text with key messages clearly visible.
Posters should…
• Be A4 size
• Include the message: “Don’t litter – if the bins in the park are full, please take it home!”, more facts and figures are welcome!
• Be saved a jpeg or pdf format and in high resolution ready for print.
To take part please send over your finished poster design by 31st July to [email protected] along with the following information:
• Your name
• Your age
• Your local park or green space
Facts & Figures
Here are a few useful links to find out information about litter in parks in Birmingham and the effect it has wildlife. Feel free to add any additional facts and figures to your designs!
This activity is part of the Inspire with Art – Stop Litter in Parks! pilot project funded through The National Lottery Community Fund and The John Feeney Trust.
Posted on 11th July 2020
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