• BOSF Morning Social – hosted by the Quinton Meadows Consultative Committee


    Join us for our next Morning Social event for refreshments, conversation, and a chance to connect with our community, on Wednesday 19th June, 11am-12:30pm at Quinton Allotments – hosted by the Quinton Meadows Consultative Committee. After refreshments, we’ll take a leisurely walk to the beautiful Quinton Meadows.

    A Brief History of Quinton Meadows:

    The campaign to save Quinton Meadows, initially known as “Woodgate Valley Site A,” began in the early 1980s. Despite not being included in the Woodgate Valley Country Park, persistent efforts by the local local Friends Group, alongside residents, managed to significantly reduce the development impact. The area now consists of the Howley Grange Recreation Ground, the private Quinton Business Park, and a section owned by Birmingham City Council.

    In 2000, the Quinton Meadows Consultative Committee (QMCC) was established, fostering local involvement in managing and developing Quinton Meadows. Today, it remains a vital forum for monitoring environmental and ecological impacts, ensuring the interests of the community are represented.


    Achievements and Ongoing Projects:

    Thanks to the dedication of volunteers and successful funding applications, Quinton Meadows has seen several enhancements, including:

    Nature Conservation: Creating glades within the woodland areas by removing bramble, encouraging diverse ground flora.Orchid Colony Protection: Managing scrub and vegetation to support the spread of orchids.

    Open Water Habitats: Maintaining water habitats by managing Reed Mace and willow growth.

    Hay Meadow Development: Establishing a hay meadow at the southern end of Howley Grange Recreation Ground.

    Community Improvements: Installing benches, maintaining paths, and replacing bins with grants from local councils and businesses.

    Litter Picking: Regular cleanup efforts along pathways.


    How You Can Help:

    The Friends of Quinton Meadows are looking for volunteers to help with conservation work at the Local Nature Reserve and Howley Grange Recreation Ground. Whether you are an individual or part of a group, your support is invaluable!

    For more info please contact: [email protected]

    Posted on 11th June 2024