• BOSF AGM & Conference 22nd June 2013

    I am pleased to announce that the 2013 BOSF Conference & AGM has now been organised for Saturday 22nd June 2013 in the Deloitte Room at the MAC in Cannon Hill Park.
    Doors open at 10.15am for a 10.45am start, finishing at 3pm.
    Lunch is provided and there will be speakers from Birmingham on the current position of Parks, BeActive, Birmingham in Bloom and the Wildlife Trust on how to access funding for biodiversity on your site.
    There will be opportunities for networking with other groups and parks professionals, along with a chance for your own “Just a Minute” slot to advertise your own group and the success stories from your open space.
    Please fill in the Booking Form if you have not already sent one in to confirm your place and if you want to join the BOSF Committee, please fill out the Nomination Form.
    BOSF Conference Booking Form 2013
    Nomination Form 2013

    Posted on 31st May 2013