• Birmingham South Local Community Safety Partnership Neighbourhoods and Communities Funding

    This year the Neighbourhoods & Communities Fund will to support local communities in the six priority areas of Frankley, Billesley, Three Estates, Bartley Green, Druids Heath, and West Heath to develop sustainable neighbourhood networks / partnerships. The intention is to particularly encourage applications from groups that give priority to:

    • Encourage working in partnership with other local groups
    • Leave a legacy, which could be a new way of working or a new partnership between individual groups
    • Work within, and for the local area
    • Deliver new activities or projects
    • Encouraging young people to take up an active role in their neighbourhood

    Applications are invited up to a maximum of £1000
    Deadline for submission no later than Wednesday 29th November 2017
    Applications will be assessed at the Funding Panel on Friday 8th December (you may be asked to attend).
    You will be notified about the outcome of your application by Thursday 14th December 2017
    Allocated funding to be spent by January – March 2018
    The group or organisation must be located in South Birmingham (i.e. Northfield, Selly Oak and Edgbaston Districts and the work must be focused in the six priority areas mentioned above).
    Visit their website for more information

    Posted on 6th November 2017