• Barrow Cadbury Trust Small Change Fund

    Are you a small local organisation with limited income, with big ideas to make a difference in your local area or community? Does your approach promote people giving their time, resources, skills and knowledge to help each other?
    Barrow Cadbury Trust’s Small Change Programme wants to support mutual aid at a local level in Birmingham and the Black Country. We will provide one-off grants of up to £3,000 that will either help groups to start an initiative based on mutual aid, or expand existing activities supporting mutual aid. By “mutual aid” we mean people giving their time free so that group members both give and receive support to improve their lives or communities.
    If you are member led group working in local areas where people are on low incomes or isolated, and you plan to continue your initiative without further funding once the Small Change grant ends or have realistic plans to generate your own income then this may be of interest to you.
    Small Change is a rolling grant-giving programme and applications can be made at anytime during the year. There is a simple on-line application form to complete where a copy of the group’s constitution, last set of end of year accounts (or bank statement showing the latest financial position if you’ve been in existence for less than a year) will need to be sent. We try to assess applications as quickly as possible once a completed form is received, but it may take up to two months for you to hear our decision. If you’re not sure if your project is eligible, please contact us for advice before submitting an application.
    Click here to visit the website and find out more information.

    Posted on 10th September 2014