• Active Parks Walk Leader Training

    Are you an Active Park? There is now FREE opportunity for volunteers to qualify as Walk Leaders.
    Gaynor Roberts (Walking and Jogging Development Officer) has arranged for a volunteer Walk Leader Training course (which includes insurance) to be delivered at:
    Aston Pavilion – in the grounds of Aston Hall. The Pavilion is sited to the left of Aston Hall as you go up the main driveway and follow the drive.
    On Saturday 29 November
    10.00am – 3.00pm
    Lunch will not be provided
    The course will cover such aspects as:

    • Walking health walk routes beforehand (“recce-in”) to make sure you know them.
    • Welcoming walkers to the walks, particularly new walkers.
    • Giving a brief talk before the walk to make sure everyone is prepared.
    • Making sure paperwork like registration forms and registers are completed.
    •  Leading and managing walks, usually jointly with other walk leaders (including “back marking or “middle marking” as well as leading at the front).
    • Making sure walks are welcoming, friendly, enjoyable and safe.
    • Trouble shooting and dealing with problems on walks.
    •  Providing information about other walks offered by the scheme and basic information about how to keep active.
    • Attending occasional walk leaders’ meetings and refresher training.

    Alternatively, there is another course planned for Wednesday 25th February 10-3pm also at Aston Pavilion.
    For booking on to the course or more information, contact Leanne Gregory, Active Parks Coordinator at [email protected]

    Posted on 25th November 2014