• Funding for Community Facilities

    The next application deadline for funding from the Suez Communities Trust (formerly the Sita Trust) is the 24th April 2017.
    The Suez Communities Trust provides funds to not-for-profit organisations to improve amenities that are available for leisure and recreation use by the general public. This could include:

    • Community cafes
    • Theatres
    • Play areas
    • Skate parks
    • Youth centres; etc.

    Through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) the Trust can offer grants of up to £20,000 through its Smaller Projects Fund and grants of up to £50,000 through its Primary Fund.
    To be eligible, applicants needs to be a not – for profit organisations located within three miles of a qualifying SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK waste processing site. N.B. due to the rural nature of the Aberdeenshire funding zone this zone has a 10-mile radius. Additionally, in order to qualify for LCF funding project sites must fall within 10 miles of a landfill site.
    For information on projects previously funded by the Trust, please click here.
    Please click here to visit their website

    Posted on 14th February 2017