• Public Consultation on Dog Control Orders

    The public consultation for Dog Control Orders has started. Many notices have been attached to parks notice boards.  Please read it through and get your comments in writing to:
    The Head of Environmental, Development & Planning Team, Legal and Democratic Services, Legal Services, PO Box 15992, Birmingham, B2 2UQ( Quoting Ref: LS/PKU/126171)
    or submitted by email to [email protected] by Friday 20 September 2013:


    Notice pursuant to Regulation 3 of The Dog Control Order (Procedures) Regulations 2006 and sections 56(4) and 56 (5) of The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005
    NOTICE is hereby given that the Council is proposing to make the following five Dog Control Orders in respect of it’s administrative area:
    1. The Fouling of Land by Dogs Order 2013
    The effect of the Order is to make it an offence for a person in charge of a dog to fail to remove faeces forthwith from any land to which the public have access in the administrative area of the Council. Note: This Order will replace and extend the existing controls under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.
    2. The Dogs on Leads Order 2013
    The effect of the Order is to make it an offence for a person in charge of a dog to fail to ensure that a dog is kept on a lead at all times on all public roads, adjoining footways, and verges, within the administrative area of the Council.
    3. The Exclusion of Dogs from Land Order 2013
    The effect of the Order is to make it an offence for a person in charge of a dog to permit the dog to enter into or remain in any of the following areas within the administrative area of the Council:
    • any clearly demarcated children’s play area, and
    • School land.
    4. The Dogs on Leads by Direction Order 2013
    The effect of the Order is to make it an offence for a person in charge of a dog to fail to put that dog on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer on any land to which the public have access and is open to the air within the administrative area of the Council.
    5. The Dogs (Specified Maximum) Order 2013
    The effect of the Order is to make it an offence for a person to take more than four dogs onto open land in the administrative area of the Council.
    N.b. Some of the land affected by the above mentioned Orders is “access land” for the purposes of The Dog Control Orders (Procedures) Regulations 2006.

    Posted on 20th August 2013