Cemex Community Fund
The CEMEX Community Fund is a grant-giving fund established by CEMEX under the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme.
Its aim is to support sustainable local community and environmental projects within 3 miles of a CEMEX operations. Each year Cemex makes available grants of between £1,000 and £15,000 to support a small number of projects in England, Scotland and Wales. Support is available for projects which provide and maintain public parks and amenities when the work protects the social built and/or natural environment and repair, or restore buildings or structures which are of religious, historical or architectural interest. Organisations wishing to apply need to be enrolled as an Environmental Body with Entrust, the Regulator of the Landfill Community Fund.
Previously funded projects have included:
Church roof repairs, kitchen extension to a parish hall; playground initiatives; and environmental enhancements; etc.
The deadline for applications is the 17th September 2013 for Stage 1 Expression of Interest forms. Click here for more information.
Posted on 8th August 2013
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